Memberships - Differences between user groups:
--- HD ---
- Edit account details: No
- Upload avatar: No
- Upload profile banner: No
- Create new threads: No
- Post new messages in 24h: 25
- Time limit to edit messages (min.): 60
- Maximum reactions per day: 5
- Create new content tags: No
- Private conversation: No
- Post profile messages: No
- Use signature: No
- Username change: No
- View content + HD, + 18
- Bunker Access: No
--- PRV ---
- Edit account details: Yes
- Upload avatar: Yes
- Upload profile banner: Yes
- Create new threads in 24h: 5
- Post new messages in 24h: 50
- Time limit to edit messages (min.): 120
- Maximum reactions per day: 10
- Create new content tags: Yes
- Private conversation: Yes
- Maximum recipients in conversation: 10
- Time limit to edit private messages (min.): 10
- Post profile messages: Yes
- Use signature: Yes
- Username change: every 90 days
- View content + HD, + 18, + PRV
- Bunker Access: No
--- VIP ---
- Edit account details: Yes
- Upload avatar: Yes
- Upload profile banner: Yes
- Create new threads in 24h: 10
- Post new messages in 24h: 100
- Time limit to edit messages (min.): 180
- Maximum reactions per day: 15
- Create new content tags: Yes
- Private conversation: Yes
- Maximum recipients in conversation: 15
- Time limit to edit private messages (min.): 15
- Post profile messages: Yes
- Use signature: Yes
- Username change: every 90 days
- View content + HD, + 18, + PRV, + VIP
- Bunker Access: Yes
To join the HD group, just write a message in a forum thread.
To join the PRV or VIP group, you can do it whenever you want from the
subscription panel.
Increase the limit of threads and maximum messages in 24h:
If you are going to create a lot of content you may want to increase these limits. You can do it from the
subscription panel becoming a member of the PUBLISHER group.
- VIP Group Features
- Maximum threads created in 24h will increase to 50 and posts to 200.