Information and rules

  • Massive Flood = Ban.
  • Use Bots = Ban.
  • Reveal private content = Ban.
  • Reporting unjustifiably = Ban.
  • Do not add at least +HD in the trolling forum and csi = Ban.
  • Not respecting serious threads = Ban.
  • Typing with "Caps Lock" = Ban.
  • CP = Ban.
  • PayPal Dispute = Automatic immediate ban.

Other points you should know:
  • Group promotions can take up to 5 minutes to take effect.
  • Open new threads in the appropriate subforum.
  • Make the text legible and easy to read, respecting paragraphs, spacing, alignment, image size, etc...
  • Use the labels correctly. Do not put nonsense, things that have nothing to do with the thread, or words that do not exist.
  • Write correctly, without spelling mistakes, etc...
  • Prohibited to put links with advertising shorteners. Use direct links. If you do not comply with the rule, your message will be deleted.
  • If the content you create does not provide us with anything interesting or is not of our interest, your account may be suspended.
  • You can change the appearance of the forum to your liking from the bar at the bottom. You have a dark theme and a light theme.

Our other domains:

If something happens with our main domain ( try to use one of the following domains we have.